Corn or maize or arapositi (wheat or grain in Cyprus) has the scientific name Zea mays. The Greek scientific name of the plant is the Maize of the Common or Zea or Mais. It is the grain of the Poaceae or Gramineae family and originates from the American continent where the Incas, the Magyas and the Aztecs were cultivated 5,500 years ago. His Greek name, "maize", means "wheat (wheat) of the Arabs" as the plant was introduced to Greece in 1600 from North Africa. The etymology of the corn is still in vain.The following scenarios have been proposed: (a) <al. kalambok, (b) <Italian. calambochi (c) <turkey. kalembek. The name Mayz (Mahes) comes from the Maiz language of the native Caribbean, through the Maíz.The Spanish word (originally native American) has influenced the plant's name in other languages: English Maize, French Maïs, Italian Mais, Swedish Majs, Norwegian Mais, Finnish Maissi, Estonian Mais. In Italian it is also called granoturco (the wheat of the Turks.