Soft Wheat

Soft wheat is a winterly grain which discrens in three types, in relation to the demands on cold weather so vernalization and formation of flower arrangement be provoked: winter( demands many hours of cold weather) , spring (does not demand vernalization) and intermediate or alternative. The winterly type is not cultivated in Greece, because the winter is mild,as a result the vernalization being tarry and the formation flower arrangement (late outbreak ) and maturation is not completed.
The varieties of soft wheat which cultivate in our country are mainly belong to spring type, are being sown in autumn, going through a part of their organic cycle under the low temperature of winter, they flourish in good time in spring , be fruitful their last month and harvest takes place the first months of summer.
Over the last years, varieties of alternative types have been created in Institute of Wheats. Which varieties give high efficiency in highlands and northern cold regions of the country, like Nestos and Acher. It is worth mentioning that spring types in Greece can be sowing early in spring (end of February to early March), but the efficiency will be much lower than autumn sowing.